About Us

2025/26 Chapter Board of Directors:

  • President: Jane Downing
  • Vice President: Andrew Orochena
  • Secretary: Megan Stanis
  • Treasurer: Randall Stachel
  • Membership Chairman: Janine Hauck
  • Director-at-Large: Denise Cognac

How You Can Help

Our Chapter is only as good as its member support. The important thing is to attend as many functions as you can and let your board members know if these functions meet your expectations.

Volunteer to help during functions; this could be welcoming arrivals at the door as a greeter, setting up refreshments, helping with publicity, planning events, newsletter, set-up and clean-up after our dances but first and foremost, GET ON THE DANCE FLOOR at every opportunity!  Introduce your friends and acquaintances to ballroom dancing. Invite them to chapter activities and encourage them to become members of USA Dance Chapter #3007.

What is USA Dance?

USA Dance Inc is organized and operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a Section 501©(3) nonprofit organization.

USA Dance is a nation-wide non-profit organization supporting and promoting amateur, social and competitive Ballroom Dancing. USA Dance functions as the governing body in the US for amateur competition ballroom dancing (aka DanceSport).

Join us and enjoy the many benefits of new and renewed membership to our chapter.

History of our Chapter

The United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association chapter #307 (yes, only 3 digits then) was active in the ’80s and then folded.

It restarted in 1997 with Maureen Lockard as president for two terms. Dennis McCann was vice-president for the second term, and when Maureen stepped down, Dennis finished her term, 2000 to 2001.  He was president until 2002.  Locating dance venues was an issue at that time (and still is.)  Following presidents were Andrew Pueschel, Joe Aiken, John Siefken, and Gretchen Brocks. Jane Downing has been USA Dance Pittsburgh’s president since 2016.

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